Monday, May 24, 2021

Right and Wrong Living

 1 Chronicles 23-29     2 Samuel 13-24     Psalm 48    Galatians 5-6

As David consolidates his kingdom and his power, he organizes the people utilizing their gifts given by God. As David grows old his sons and their followers begin to plot to assume power over the kingdom of Israel. There is plotting and deception, rape and a complete disregard for the ways of the Lord. We begin to see clearly the struggle the people of Israel will have as they scatter. As I read through these years of turmoil it became clear that when we live as God calls us to, we are blessed and enjoy not only peace with other but within ourselves. However, when we choose to disobey the commandments of God we come to grief and then when we see the folly of our ways, confess our sin and repent the Lord’s anger is turned away. At the same time, the cost of our sin continues to be paid and often by those that are not at fault.

David came from humble beginnings and the Lord made his name great but when he sinned there was great cost paid by himself, his family and the nation. Great responsibility comes with great power and when it is abused the costs are great as well. Every time David turned his attention from God and wanted to see how powerful he was, God took away that power. Even though he maintained his reputation with many the cost of his sin was great.

The song is one that tells us that the holy hill, Jerusalem, was a place that Israel showed the power and magnificence of their God. It is also the place that points to only God of creation.

Paul tells us that while Christ sets us free it comes with the responsibility to be faithful to God and to live as he calls us to live. We must keep our eyes on God through the life of Jesus and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit remain in constant touch with the ways of God. That freedom is not permission to do whatever we want because it brings us physical or mental pleasure, or we will find that as the end of our freedom.

He also points out that the evidence of how we live will be shown in our deeds and the way we live on a daily basis. We are called to care for one another and not only look out for our own desires or that will lead to sin. We are to share the blessings of our life and never lose heart in doing what is good and right.

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