Thursday, February 11, 2021

God's Way the Only Way

 Exodus 33-34                    Psalm 21             Acts 17

As God prepares Moses to lead the people toward the promised land, he tells him he will not go with him because the people are stubbornly clinging to their way of life and refusing to follow the Lord’s instructions. He tells Moses if he went with them, he would destroy them because of there refusal he would destroy them.

We are told that Moses would pitch his tent of meeting, a place set aside for meeting with God, outside the camp and the people would have to come to him that sought the Lord. Moses would speak to the Lord face to face. There is this ongoing discussion between God and Moses about the role Moses would play in leading the people, the Lord’s people, and what God would do in their midst. As you read on though we discover that Moses cannot see the Lord’s face. God says, ‘No one can see my face and live.’

God instructs Moses to cut two stone tables that they can write the Words, commands, that God had given him before, but he destroyed in his anger when he came off the mountain. When Moses takes those tablets up the Lord descends in a cloud and the presence of the Lord passed in front of him. First, Moses is reminded that the Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger because he is abounding in lovingkindness and truth. That said, he also reminds Moses that he will not leave the guilty go unpunished and it will extend to future generations. When we think back to what we have already read we have already experienced that playing out in life.

God then tells Moses he is going to make a covenant with the people. We should note this is not a negotiated agreement, but one given to the people by God. One of the most interesting points is that he tells Moses that they together are going to do a fearful thing. That what lies ahead is going to bring destruction and death to some and that is necessary to keep the people Mosses is leading from creating agreements with them that will lead them away from the Lord.

God then begins to give Moses instructions on what he is to do when he leads the people toward the promised land. It is clear that God wants to be first and that the very best is to be done for and offered to him. After spending 40 days in God’s presence Moses face shines bright and sets him apart to the point it scares those that see him.

In Psalm 21 David recognizes that the strength of the king comes from the Lord and when the king recognizes that and celebrates it, they are leaders together. The king must first put their trust in the Lord. The exalted king will celebrate the Lord’s strength and blessings and praise the Lord for all that he has power over.

Acts 17 continues the story of Paul taking the message throughout the region and the opposition he faced each step of the way. Paul remained obedient to God and even in the conflicts with leaders God had a way of using those debate to bring others into a new relationship with Jesus. Paul looked for and found ways to explain Jesus to the Jews and Gentiles he crossed paths with. Paul even has a word of encouragement for those that feel they are groping for an understanding of God. The message is simple, turn from sin and begin to follow God’s commands by following, learning from and becoming a reflection of Jesus.

Today we are reminded that following God’s way is difficult because so much of the world around us has walked away from God and his ways. God is always looking for a willingness to repent, turn from the wrong ways, and starting on the journey of becoming a better reflection of Jesus to the world.

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