Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 John 11                Genesis 34-35                   Psalm 94

 As I read through the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11 I noted how each step along the way there were expectations that Jesus didn’t meet. When Lazarus’s sisters send word he tells them the end of the story will not end in death. It is a story of deep emotion, pain, questioning, timing and trust. Probably the most interesting part is that in the end some still don’t believe and some begin to plot to destroy Jesus to maintain their power.

 One of the most disturbing stories is told in Genesis 34-35 that opens with the rape of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah. Note the immediately we are told he loved her and spoke tenderly to her. What a contrast. But it gets worse as over the rest of these two chapters there is wheeling and dealing and once again deception. The result is many deaths, worry about reputation and the need to run again from the land of birth. On a side note, we should notice that God once again tells Jacob his name is Israel and that the blessing promised to Abraham will still be fulfilled through his descendants. Even at the end of his life he experiences great pain and the hands of his own son.

 This reading ends with Jacob having another son with Rebekah, but she dies in childbirth and the pain continues. Returning to his father Isaac who dies and he and his brother, Esau bury their father.

 Plasm 94 reminds us God is one of vengeance on those that turn from him and use their arrogant words to vaunt themselves. We are reminded that God knows even our thoughts and that in his eyes we are but a breath. When we are corrected by God it is to be viewed as a blessing and one of the ways God teaches us his law. Those that band themselves together against those that seek God’s ways will be condemned to death. For those truly seeking God’s way the Lord will be their stronghold and refuge. The wickedness of that against them will be returned to them.

 Each of the reading today reminded me that we need to make sure we keep our eyes on the Lord and not become those that would rather please others. There are always great costs to walking away from God’s ways, even when we do it in his name, and even when it takes time God’s will is what will happen and those that work for anything else other that God’s glory will pay a dear price.

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