Genesis 45-46 Ephesians 4 Psalm
In Genesis 45 and 46 Joseph
reveals himself to his brothers and their shock creates dismay as they realize
the one they did all they could to destroy now has their lives in his hands.
Now Joseph’s lifelong faith is revealed in his response. He tells them they
didn’t send him there, but God did to prepare for this day when they needed him
the most.
This is a story of forgiveness and
grace but more than that a story of trust in God to work all for the good of
those that love him. He is reunited with his younger brother and sends them
back to get his father and their families. There are 70 of the family that come
to Egypt as the guest of Pharaoh. I find it interesting that they take the job
that is most repugnant to the Egyptians and that allows them to be set apart.
Over the last few days I have
listened to a call for unity and the rejection of that call by some and
embraced by others. In Ephesians 4 Paul calls the church to unity.
Interestingly, it is clear they are not all called to be the same but use their
God given ability for the good of the community. Like the church, community
groups have the opportunity to look for those places there is agreement and
work together for the good of all. It is a call to treat your neighbor with
respect and lay aside the sins we commit against each other. When each of us
use our skills, we can join with those that are different to make the world a
better place.
I laughed when a turned to a small
Psalm since I am writing late today and looked at Psalm 133 and it opens with, “Behold,
how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.” We
were created t live together and compliment each other for the good of all.
The Biblical call to unity is not
a call to agree or be the same but to work together that our combined efforts
will have a positive impact on the world.
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