Genesis 14-19 John
5 Psalm 123
In Genesis 14 – 19 the story of Abram and Lot going their separate
ways leads to a picture of the results of choices that are made by both Abram and
Lot. Abram gave Lot the choice of where to go and live. Lot looked at the land,
saw the good in that location but failed to see the dangers of that place. We
next see Lot taken captive because of where he choose to live and who ruled
over him. Uncle Abram would have to come to the rescue. After he is rescued, he
returns to the sin filled community in which he has become most comfortable.
The next couple of chapters are the story of Abram, while
believing and trusting in God, doubting along with Sarai leading the way, and
looking for ways to move that promise along. The result is sin, hurt, division
and the family being scattered. The struggle is real to believe God is good
about his promises and not seeing them fulfilled in the timeframe we think
works. We look for ways to fulfill the promise rather than waiting for the Lord
to keep his.
It needs to be pointed out that Abram still struggles with
believing what God promises because to him it seems impossible. When the
original promise of a son that will be a fulfillment of God’s promise to him
long ago becomes a current promise, he laughs because he can’t see how that
promise can be possible to this old couple. Saria laughs as well. How often do
we laugh when we think God doing for us what he promised don’t happen in our
own time?
My reading today in Genesis ended with Lot once again living
in the midst of sin in a location of his choosing. While he tries to uphold the
family tradition of welcoming and protecting the traveler, he finds the need to
make terrible decisions and again fails. When told that he must leave or face
death he is willing to go but wants to control where he goes rather than following
those sent to save him. In the end he ends up where God wanted him in the first
place. How often are we that way? We look and decide that we know better than
God what is right for us and where we out to go.
Turning to John 5 it is the story of one that has been waiting
for someone to help him find healing and when Jesus offers it now it is gratefully
received. The response to that is anger, Jesus didn’t do it in the acceptable
time frame allowed. The thought turns to believing in Jesus and the offer of
eternal life. The authority to judge has been given to Jesus but his desire is
to turn their hearts back to God is greater than his need to judge. How often
do we decide we are better able to execute God’s judgement and demand that our
way be declared as right?
Jesus challenge was for people to dig deeper into the Word
and allow it to shape their life. There is an important question ask at the end
of the chapter. How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another,
and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God? How do we
answer that question?
Finally Psalm 123 challenges us to lift up our eyes to the
one enthroned in the heavens and to continue to look to God until he is gracious
to us. Then our soul will be greatly filled.
To whom are you looking for fulfillment today?
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